Airfield Info

Airfield Name Aerial Club Vadeni Airfield
Flight type VFR
Elevation 2m
Radio 123.450
GPS N-45.21.56 / E-27.56.11
Runway Direction 18/36
Runway Length 550m
Runway Type Grass
MTOW cf hg912/2010 max 5700kg
Ops HRS daily subject to weather conditions
Tourist Attractions Macin Mountains National Park, Pond of Braila Natural Park, Lower Siret Meadow: historical sites such as the the Roman camp Troesmis, the Dinogetia fortress, Trajan’s footsteps, Maxineni Monastery, Borcea paddle ship in Braila port, the single functioning steam engine ship, Tudor Vladimirescu paddle ship in the port of Galati. We can also provide on-demand guide services!
Cantact Tel: 0723196944
Fax: 0236312090

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